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Growing Guide - Lost The Plot

'Lost The Plot' A book published by me, Allotment Junkie. A guide to sowing and growing fruit and veg on an allotment.

In times of austerity, high inflation and the rising cost of living, having an allotment and growing your own 5 a-day could be a real asset to today’s family. A healthy balanced diet, as well as open green spaces, plus the solitude of the allotment shed - can have a profound positive effect on your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.  

From an overgrown suburban plot to the productive veg beds we have today –Taking on a Plot, the first book in the three-book series, Lost the Plot, is an inspirational guide about a family’s pursuit of fresh, guilt-free, organic fruit and veg. Full of images, advice and tips for both the wise and the new, packed with tips what traps to avoid and how to achieve success from day one.  

All you need is heaps of enthusiasm and hard work. If you are an aspiring veg grower, this book can be the seed to your success...



All too often we have seen newcomers to our allotment pitch-up expensive sheds, spend a few weeks on-site only to give up after the honeymoon period has worn off. The romance of fresh home-grown fruit and veg is all but washed away by the cold wet days and the insurmountable jungle of weeds.

Being able to grow your own allotment fruit and veg is a wonderful achievement, as long as you don’t forget the hard work! However, you’ll be conscious in the knowledge of how your veggies have been nurtured, as well as eating them guilt free for having not travelled air or road miles in perfectly-packaged conditions to reach the family table. When you give your first box of veggies to your friends, you’ll then know it was all worth it.

Growing your own fruit and veg can also save a huge amount of money on the weekly shop and educate the little ones along the way.

With the help of this book, we hope to give you an insight into what you could face and potentially gain: the romance of growing your own and the dedication and determination it requires to achieve. From mistakes made to experience gained, to friends and prizes won along the way.

This is an inspirational guide; a book of ideas to help you succeed. It is also a record of how allotmenteering changed our life forever. With the view that there is no right or wrong way, just the common goal we share.


‘A welcome addition to the range of books on the pleasures and pitfalls of taking on an allotment.

Paul, with input from his family, has produced an excellent book which guides the novice allotment holder through the first couple of years from taking on an allotment. Unlike many others, he doesn’t view the exercise through rose coloured glasses and his practical experiences will be godsend to anyone contemplating joining the allotment revolution. The book is profusely illustrated and is a step by step guide to enable you to gain the most from your allotment whilst retaining your sanity. It is easy to read and will inspire others to start growing their own fresh produce.

Lost the Plot is thoroughly recommended and we look forward to the next publications in the series’.

The National Allotment Society (NSALG)


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